Type Talks: Normalize

Brian Butz

Literal types

We normally think of types as categorical.

let someNumber: number = 123
someNumber = 345

someNumber = 'some-string' // ⛔ fails to compile, string is not a number

Literal types (cont.)

But the category of our types can be very specific, so specific they represent a single thing.

let aSpecificNumber: 123 = 123
aSpecificNumber = 456 // ⛔ fails to compile - 456 is not 123

type UniversalPair = ['secret', 42]
let truth: UniversalPair = ['s3cr3t', 42] // ⛔ 's3cr3t' is not 'secret'

Literal types (const.)

Often, defining constants sets the type of the constant as a literal type.

let aSpecificString = 'literally-this' as const // ✅ aSpecificString: 'literally-this'
const anotherSpecificString = 'literally-that'  // ✅ anotherSpecificString: 'literally-that'

let someString = 'i-can-be-anything'            // ✅ someString: string

Template Literals

TypeScript 4.1 added template literals allowing us to widen literal types to allow partial matching.

let someAbstractQuantity: `${string}ful` = 'mouthful'
let invalidQuantity: `${string}ful` = 'mouth' // ⛔ mouth not assignable to ${string}ful

let ski: `ski${string}` = 'ski-ball'

let numericalQuantity: `exactly-${number}-hens` = 'exactly-3-hens'
let alsoNumericalQuantity: `exactly-${number}-hens` = 'exactly-2.89204-hens'

Template Literals (cont.)

Template literals can also be combined inside template literals.

type SkiPrefix = `ski${string}`
type FulSuffix = `${string}ful`
let valid: `${SkiPrefix}${FulSuffix}` = 'skillful'
let invalid: `${SkiPrefix}${FulSuffix}` = 'skiful' // ⛔ skiful not assignable
                                                   // to `ski${string}${string}ful`

Template Literals (other cool stuff)

There's all kinds of neat things you can do with template literals.

type VerticalAlignment = "top" | "middle" | "bottom"
type HorizontalAlignment = "left" | "center" | "right"
type Alignment = `${VerticalAlignment}-${HorizontalAlignment}`
const chaoticNeutral: Alignment = 'bottom-center'
const heroicVillian: Alignment = 'left-right' // ⛔ 'left-right' is not assignable to
                                              // 'top-left'    | 'top-center'    | 'top-right'    |
                                              // 'middle-left' | 'middle-center' | 'middle-right' |
                                              // 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-right'

Check out more here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/template-literal-types.html

Property types

A type's properties can be accessed - like a normal TS object - to get a specific property's underlying type.

type GeneralUKLocation = {
  country: 'Wales' | 'Scotland' | 'Northern Ireland' | 'England'
  distanceFromLondon: number
  dateFounded: Date
let noOneKnowsReally: GeneralUKLocation['country'] = 'Wales'
let elseWhere: GeneralUKLocation['country'] = 'France' // ⛔ does not compile

// ⛔ string is not assignable to type number | Date
let someKindOfUnion: GeneralUKLocation['distanceFromLondon' | 'dateFounded'] = 'Scotland'


Similar to Object.keys(obj) we can get a list of properties in a type.

type Color = {
  name: string
  red: number,
  blue: number,
  green: number
  alpha: number

const greenAttr: keyof Color = 'green'
const orangeAttr: keyof Color = 'orange' // ⛔ 'orange' not assignable to
                                         //    'name' | 'red' | 'blue' | 'green' | 'alpha'


We can use generics to write code that doesn't care about specific types.

type Greeter = { greet: () => string };

function combineWithGreeter<T, U>(from: T, into: U): Greeter & T & U {
  return Object.assign({greet: () => 'Hi there!'}, from, into);
const greetableFriend = combineWithGreeter({name: 'Bob'}, {job: 'Attorney'})
console.log(`${greetableFriend.name} says: ${greetableFriend.greet()}`); // Bob says: Hi there!

console.log(`${greetableFriend.lastName}`) // ⛔ Property 'lastName' does not exist on type
                                           //    'Greeter & { name: string; } & { job: string; }'.

Note that T and U can be inferred, we do not have to call:

combineWithGreeter<{ name: string }, { job: string }>({name: 'Bob'}, {job: 'Attorney'})

Exclusive Generics

Our generic types don't have to be totally generic:

function combineWithGreeter<T, U>(from: T, into: U): Greeter & T & U {
  return Object.assign({greet: () => 'Hi there!'}, from, into);
combineWithGreeter('uh', 'what'); // ✅ compiles, ⚠ but error at runtime
                                  // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '0' of object '[object String]'

We can use extends to limit the allowed types to a subset of types.

function combineWithGreeter<T extends object, U extends object>(from: T, into: U): Greeter & T & U {
  return Object.assign({greet: () => 'Hi there!'}, from, into);
combineWithGreeter('uh', 'what'); // ⛔ does not compile
                                  // Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'object'.

Generic types

Generics aren't limited to functions, we can use generics to create types as well.

type Gemini<T> = [T, T]
type GreekGod = 'Zeus' | 'Hera' | 'Poseidon' | 'Demeter' | 'Hades'
const twins: Gemini<string> = ['a', 'b']
const pantheon: Gemini<Gemini<GreekGod>> = [['Zeus', 'Hera'], ['Hades', 'Zeus']]

We use generics a lot in the wild (sometimes as interfaces instead of raw types)

const promiseMe: Promise<string> = Promise.resolve('forever and ever');
const lostMap: Map<Location, Treasure> = new Map<Location, Treasure>()
const someOf: Partial<{must: string, have: string}> = {} // ✅ compiles as 'must' and 'have' are now optional

Conditional types

We can create types that behave differently based on the inputted types.

type MakeBobSpecial<T extends string> = T extends 'Bob' ? { name: 'Bob', money: 1_000_000_000 } : { name: T }
const harry: MakeBobSpecial<'Harry'> = { name: 'Harry' }
const lilBob: MakeBobSpecial<'bob'> = { name: 'bob' }
const bob: MakeBobSpecial<'Bob'> = { name: 'Bob', money: 1_000_000_000 };
type DisallowTriplets<T extends unknown[]> = T['length'] extends 3 ? never : T;
const arbitraryNumbers: DisallowTriplets<number[]> = [1,2]
const threeOfThem: DisallowTriplets<[number, number, number]> = [1, 2, 3] // ⛔ does not compile
                                                                          // [1,2,3] not assignable to never

Conditional types (infer)

We can pull out parts of types that satisfy type conditions.

type DropsLLC<T extends string> = T extends `${infer company}, LLC` ? company : T

const pepsi: DropsLLC<'PepsiCo, LLC'> = 'PepsiCo'            // ✅ compiles
const cocaColaLLC: DropsLLC<'Coca-Cola INC'> = 'Coca-Cola';  // ⛔ does not compile
const cocaCola: DropsLLC<'Coca-Cola INC'> = 'Coca-Cola INC'; // ✅ compiles

We can do this with lists as well.

type FirstItemExtracted<T extends unknown[]> =
  T extends [infer first, ...infer rest] ?
    {first, rest} :
    {first: null, rest: []}
                                                                      // T extends [infer first, ...infer rest]
const numbers : FirstItemExtracted<[1,2,3]> = {first: 1, rest: [2,3]} // match
const oneNumber : FirstItemExtracted<[1]> = {first: 1, rest: []}      // match
const empty : FirstItemExtracted<[]> = {first: null, rest: []}        // did not match


We can make types that refer to themselves using recursion.

type Tree<T> = T | { left: Tree<T>, right: Tree<T> }
const smallTree: Tree<string> = 'seed'
const fork: Tree<string> = { left: 'knife', right: 'spoon' }
const sortedTree: Tree<number> = {
  left: { left: 1, right: 2 },
  right: { left: { left: 3, right: 4}, right: 5 }

Recursion (cont.)

We can use recursion and conditional types to make programmable types.

type Reverse<T extends unknown[]> =
  T extends [infer next, ...infer rest] ?
    [...Reverse<rest>, next] :
const reversedList: Reverse<[3,2,1]> = [1,2,3];
const reversedTypes: Reverse<[Date, number, string]> = ["Wow" , 456, new Date()];
const reversedTypedArray: Reverse<number[]> = [1,2,3]; // valid because we fail to T instead of []

Mapped types

We can create types based on the properties of other types using [__ in keyof __]: __

// turns all properties of T into strings
type BallOfYarn<T extends object> = {
  [P in keyof T]: string
const person: {age: number, dob: Date} = {age: 52, dob: new Date()}

const strungOut: BallOfYarn<typeof person> = {age: '174', dob: '08-11-1847'}

Mapped types (cont.)

We can even remap the names of keys of a type using as and template types

type Contrarian<T extends object> = {
  [Property in keyof T as `not_${Property & string}`]: T[Property]
type Person = {
  age: number
  name: string

const unPerson: Contrarian<Person> = {
  not_name: 'Bob',
  not_age: 1234


Using all these tricks, let's write an API response normalizing function that provides super smart types.

// API response
  "id": 123,
  "person_id": 345,
  "first_name": "Napolean",
  "pets_first_name": "Marengo"

  id: 123,
  personId: 345,
  firstName: "Napolean",
  petsFirstName: "Marengo"